23 Eyl2015
Eid Mubarak
Dear brothers and sisters, IBQS community,
Assalamu aleikum,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish a mubaraak Eid for you, your families, and the Muslim communities you are living in and serving for.
Today is the day of Arafaa, a valuable time period.
It is the time for praying for Ummah all around the world, each others at IBQS and our union's success.
May Allah SWT accept our sacrifies, our salats, and prayers.
May Allah SWT grant us more opportunities to fulfil our servitude to him properly, and serve for our mission.
May Allah SWT give baraka to our rizk, our life.
May Allah SWT strength our brotherhood.
Selahattin AYDIN
The President of IBQS