Alhamdulillah With cooperation between members of IBQS - Alfitrah foundation in Malaysia and Rahman foundation in India
Alhamdulillah With cooperation between members of IBQS - Alfitrah foundation in Malaysia and Rahman foundation in India - we delivered 9 braille Qurans to a school for the blind in India.
Alhamdulillah there is now an organisation in the US for the blind to learn the Quran and obtain Islamic texts in braille.
Alhamdulillah there is now an organisation in the US for the blind to learn the Quran and obtain Islamic texts in braille.
Alhamdulillah the 3 braille Qurans and 2 English translations of the Quran we sent to MAVIN the Muslim Assoc for the Visually Impaired
Alhamdulillah the 3 braille Qurans and 2 English translations of the Quran we sent to MAVIN the Muslim Assoc for the Visually Impaired , has arrived in Nigeria.
Message from Muslihuddeen Bankole the president of MAVIN:
"Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!!!
What a glorious gift in a glorious month
What else can be better appreciated by us than more of this
Jazakumullah khairan"
Alhamdulillah we have raised enough funds to sponsor the 61 students of this year's Light Camp
Alhamdulillah we have raised enough funds to sponsor the 61 students of this year's Light Camp. Any further funds recieved will go towards the second part of this summer's program for the blind. We will have the Quran memorisation competition to encourage the blind in Gaza to memorise Surah Aali Imran.
Attached is a video of last year's camp and competition where they memorised Surah al Baqarah.
IQBS Trying to Help the Blind and Visually Impaired!
IQBS Trying to Help the Blind and Visually Impaired!
There are other people out there that are devoting their time and effort to providing texts for the blind and visually impaired to read. It is important to us at Islam By Touch that we recognize and praise all that are trying to help those that are in need of help. The International Union of Braille Quran Services continues to help the blind community.
To learn more about IBQS at
Also, learn more about

The Qur’an: A Handbook for the Disabled Community
In recent years, Qur’an, the holy book for Muslims, has come under increased scrutiny due to the widespread of Islamophobia and the growing threat of terrorism by certain extremist groups. It is considered by many as a book of hatred, anti-feminism, or even a ‘manual’ for terrorists. Some even went as far as planning to burn the book that is regarded as containing ‘the words of God’ by at least one billion people worldwide.
We sent 4 Braille Qurans to Maulana Qazi Muzammil Mujibuddin of the Rahman Foundation in India
We sent 4 Braille Qurans to Maulana Qazi Muzammil Mujibuddin of the Rahman Foundation in India , who is also a fellow member of the International Union of Braille Quran Services.
Maulana Ubaidur Rahman Qasmi, Managing Director & Editor-in-Chief of Muallim, muslim lifestyle magazine based in India has visited IBQS
Maulana Ubaidur Rahman Qasmi, Managing Director & Editor-in-Chief of Muallim, muslim lifestyle magazine based in India has visited IBQS. Hindistan'da yayın yapan Muallim dergisi Genel Yayın Yönetmeni ve baş Editörü Maulana Ubaidur Rahman Qasmi Uluslararası Kabartma Kur'an Hizmetleri Birliği'ni ziyaret etti. Hindistan'da yaşayan görme engellilere yönelik Kabartma Kur'an Hizmetlerinin yaygınlaştırılması konusunda Uluslararası Kabartma Kur'an Hizmetleri Birliği ile Muallim Dergisi'nin işbirliği yapması konusunu detaylı bir şekilde değerlendirdik. Muallim'in Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Ubaidur Rahman, kendisine hediye ettiğimiz Kabartma Mushafı yakında kuracağı Mushaf Müzesi'nde tanıtacak. Müzede IBQS için de bir tanıtım köşesi oluşturulacak inşallah.
We have talked about cooperation possibilities between IBQS and Muallim to improve Braille Quran Services in India. Ubaidur Rahman will exhibit the Braille Mushaf gifted by IBQS at their Mushaf Museum. The museum also will have a corner to introduce IBQS inshaAllah.
Brother Aslam Shareef from Hyderabad, India receiving a copy of a braille Quran from Alfitrah foundation through our IBQS partner in India
Brother Aslam Shareef from Hyderabad, India receiving a copy of a braille Quran from Alfitrah foundation through our IBQS partner in India , Maulana Qazi Muzammil of Rahman Foundation. Brother Aslam is with MS Education Hyderabad and teaches 130 blind students with his two companions in his school and other blind schools. They also teach by mobile phone . "If any blind is interested in learning but is unable to attend the class they call him or her and introduce braille script and some basics in shortest time in their school.
Diğer Makaleler...
- One of the roles of IBQS is to ensure that the blind everywhere in the world can get access to the Quran.
- Braille Quraanic primers and Juz 30 books sent by Alfitrah Foundation
- Palestinian school girls, Amal and Fatima, invent something that could change the lives of blind people.
- The Cultural-Quranic Institute for the Blind,Tehran, a member of IBQS , would like to invite participants for their first braille Quran memorisation competition
- As a member of the International Union of Braille Quran services ( IBQS) we are happy to train anyone in reading Quran
- Ustaz Zahazan Mohamad , a well respected Ustaz and publisher ,paid a visit to our office
- Braille handbook for voters with vision disabilities released
- Islam By Touch
- Muhammad Islah Busakorn is a member of IBQS who lives in Chiengmai, Thailand
- Maulana Islah Busakorn from Chiengmai , Thailand reciting surah Al Hashr