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Welcome to the International Union of Braille Quran Services (IBQS) website.

IBQS is the umbrella body which brings organizations providing Braille Quran services in different regions of the world together.

IBQS is resolved to be established by the First International Braille Quran Conference held in Istanbul/Turkey on February 4 - 8 2013. It is formed by organizations and individuals providing Braille Quran services in 13 countries around the world. Through this website, you can access to detailed information about the structure and activities of IBQS as well as resources for Braille Quran training.

We would like to hear from you!

You are encouraged to share your suggestions and ideas with us as we consider such efforts as valuable contribution to our services. To do this, you may use the contact information on this website.

As IBQS is a newly formed organization, we are in the process of institutional structuring and developing our services. Thus, in order to be informed about latest news, new services and upcoming events, you are recommended to visit our web site from time to time.

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